Monday, September 7, 2009

The Package Arrived - Layout enclosed

I am almost ready to print THE PORCH DREAM. Yahoo! Crazy cakes! and it's a dream to be saying that as well. Say it again, crazy cakes! From the printer I received four things that have to be approved and then sent back. Here's what I got back - just in case you ever want to do a book, here's what you'll get:

1. Cover

2. Dust jacket (on the far left or above it's the bottom one)

3. Contents - this is not printed to the highest resolution, more for layout and such

4. Layouts of each page printed at the highest resolution.
I checked everything and ended up re-uploading corrected pages and then sent it back to the printer....
upnext...Online proofs and then to the PRESSES WE GO.

I'll let you know when the book arrives!