Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The Porch Dream (Every Dog Has a Dream...)
Tiffany Ann Laufer
Bellaboo Books.com
9780982008829, $15.99 www.bellaboobooks.com

"The Porch Dream," a popular seller at the Buckeye Book Fair this year, is a dog's (named Bellaboo, Bella for short) poetic dream of saving the earth through recycling adventures. A wonderful fantasy of recycling adventures and dreams of trash-rescuing permeate "The Porch Dream" in all its wonderful colored illustrations. Just how Bella imagines ways to save the world from "packages, parcels and postage, deliveries, drop-offs and more, but dreaming of sheep she also adored..." and including "Egg beaters, buttons, bananas and lamps, cameras, compost, carrots and stamps. Our recycling adventures have made us champs!" Bella's porch dream grows ever more fantastic, and ends with a beautiful bubble vision, Bella awakening to the day on the porch with her friend Colby to find that once again they were indeed saving the day "in various ways." "The Porch Dream" is faithful to its promise and takes dreaming images to a new level in its lovely illustrations and poetry. -MIDWEST BOOK REVIEW MARCH 2010